Tapestries Paintings Watercolours Collages Prints Ceramics Engravings
Welcome to
J e a n - M ic h e l L a r t i g a u d
Painter, France
To paint ?

It's paintbrushes, twigs, a fork, knives, fingers, two eyes.
It's oil, plaster, stone, dust, gold, milk, sand.
It's canvas, wood, walls, arches, a stomach, islands, left-over paper.
It's necessary, useful, indispensable, inescapable, shameful, dirty (with some turpentine around it).
It's difficult, precise, funny, bizarre, less dangerous than…, more serious than…
It's blunt, heavy, banal, rare, expensive, ugly, pretty, bright, whatever.
It's the light, the rest of the world, a reed, an idea, a smell, the
moment, you.
Painting !


Exhibition at Jean-Michel Lartigaud's studio
Paintings, Aubusson Tapestries, Watercolours, Ceramics.

Address : le bourg – 6 route de Cosne - 03170 – BIZENEUILLE – France

modification : February 2024
The whole site, pictures, texts and animations, is © J.M. Lartigaud since 1997.