Some pieces of work
Tapestries Paintings Watercolours Collages Prints Ceramics Engravings
These are some of my recent works.

woven according to my designs by weavers in factories. In order to identify the piece, each tapestry is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity bearing its weaving number and my signature.

oil or acrylic on canvas
painted on Arches paper embellished with pastels.
made on Arches paper with differents papers, paint and mixed media (gold-leaf, vegetables, tissues).
Silk-screen printed on Arches paper, numbered and signed in pencil.
made up in low-reliefs of clay enamelled, papers, wood, sand, gold-leaf, etc.
printed on Arches paper (according to wood engraved) embellished with differents materials.

To show my work,

The whole site, pictures, texts and animations, is © J.M. Lartigaud since 1997.