Since 1968
Tapestries Paintings Watercolours Collages Prints Ceramics Engravings
since 1968

Shown here are some pieces of work representative of different stages of my career.

1968 - 1980

1981 - 1986

1987 - 1992

1993 - 2000



En 1999, a retrospective exhibition presented five periods :
.....- The Wight Spirit (périod 60) : paintings inspired of the movement psychedelic
.....- The Structures (période 70) : abstract compositions
.....- The Perspectives (période 80) : low-reliefs with wood and metal inscrustations
.....- The Chromiques (depuis 70) : satiricals paintings
.....- The Voyages Immobiles (depuis 70) : abstract reseach

The whole site, pictures, texts and animations, is © J.M. Lartigaud since 1997.