Tapestries Paintings Watercolours Collages Prints Ceramics Engravings


Un homme se penche sur son passé, Aubusson tapestry, 100 x 200 cm, 1968




La chorale, painting, 43 x 48 cm, 1969



Les portes, painting, 38 x 55 cm, 1970


Naissance de formes, painting, 96 x 72 cm, 1970

Manhattan, Aubusson tapestry, 150 x 130 cm, 1973




Ombre et lumière, Aubusson tapestry,
90 x 160 cm, 1973


Composition, Aubusson tapestry, 200 x 600 cm, 1975



Songes, Aubusson tapestry,
120 x 160 cm, 1977


The whole site, pictures, texts and animations, is © J.M. Lartigaud since 1997.