Tapestries Paintings Watercolours Collages Prints Ceramics Engravings


Au commencement, 100 x 100 cm, painting, 1994

The cover of the book Guerriers d'Iran by Eric Pirart published by the association Kubaba (Université de Paris I - Panthéon - Sorbonne) is illustrated by this painting.

Un instant visible, 100 x 155 cm, Aubusson tapestry, 1993



Vers la terre,


Le temps de voir,


Vivre le temps,

silk-screen print,
silk-screen print,
silk-screen print,
65 x 50 cm, 1995
65 x 50 cm, 1996
65 x 50 cm, 1995



A la vie - 11, 73 x 92 cm, mixed techniques, 1992


A la vie - 17, 46 x 55 cm, mixed techniques, 1992




A la lumière, 100 x 140 cm, Aubusson tapestry, 1993




Vivre le temps, 92 x 73 cm, painting, 1996

Jour et nuit, 150 x 150 cm, painting,1997





Composition 246, collage, 50 x 40 cm, 1996


Composition 349, collage, 50 x 40 cm, 1997



Terre d'ombre, 114 x 195 cm, painting, 2000



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The whole site, pictures, texts and animations, is © J.M. Lartigaud since 1997.